Another successful Tarbet Family Reunion has come and gone. Jaxon and Brynly look forward to "swimming and slip and sliding" at the pool every year. This year Grandpa Brooks and Grandma Sally graced us with their presence in the pool and even put on the swimming suits. We even got Grandpa in the pool and on the slide! Grandpa had a hard time making it down the slide and he and Brynly even spent some time at the bottom of the slide pool for a few seconds while Grandpa tried to get his footing. I wish I had caught that on camera, it was hilarious! Jessica brought Molly into the pool and I did my homework and looked around, studied all the babies there and came to the conclusion that Molly was hands down, no argument, the cutest baby there. Jaxon and Brynly agree. I thought we had worn the kids down pretty well by the end of the day, but it turns out that Phil and I were the ones worn down. I have a feeling I'm going to have to get used to it, because Phil and I were informed on the way home that there will be plenty of pool visits in the future.
9 years ago