Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jack the "free-loader"

A couple of weeks ago I kept hearing this weird noise at night in our house. I would tell Phil that I thought there was a frog in our house (as weird as that sounds) and he basically just laughed and told me I was crazy. So for about a week I went through life wondering if I was developing some kind of mental disorder. Then finally my suspicions were confirmed. One morning I found a little frog just relaxing on my wall down stairs ( I could still have a mental disorder though). I'm pretty sure it was sun-bathing. I got a jar and had Jaxon and Brynly help me catch it. For the next few hours Jaxon and Brynly tortured it over and over by shaking the bottle and talking to it. They named it "Jack" and fed it a fly (which it didn't eat). By that time I started to feel sorry for the poor frog and told Jax and Bryn that we should probably set if free. Surprisingly they were both OK with it, so while we waited for the bus to come Jax and Bryn said their goodbye's and we let Jack go. After that traumatic experience with the Foster children I don't think we'll ever catch Jack free-loading in our house again. Here's some pics of Jack and some other random pictures.

Lunch time chips and salsa and yes Brynly is naked
Did I forget to mention that soda usually takes the place of milk.

Jax and Bryn kissing Jack goodbye

Jack's last name is Foster according to the kids so I now have 3 kids

A really blurry pic of Jack

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day of School

Last week was Jaxon's first day of Kindergarten. I had nightmare all night long that he would hate school and never want to go. I'm pretty sure I was more nervous about it then he was. It turns out all my fears were in vain because first thing Thursday morning (7:30) Jaxon rushed into our room, clothes on, all ready to go to school. The bus showed up at 11:45 and Jaxon waved for a full minute at the bus before it stopped, I guess he wanted to make sure it stopped for him. He hopped on the bus and away he went. It was pretty sad for me to be honest, I wasn't quite ready for him to go. The one on one time with Brynly is really nice though. So here are some "First Day of School" pics....and Brynly was pretty sure she was getting on the bus too, so she was ready to go with her backpack as well.
Jaxon has actually been full of surprises for us this week. On Saturday night he woke up at 1:15 am and thought that the babysitter that we got for him and Brynly had left, so they were all alone. He then proceeded to call my mom and tell her that he was all alone. My dad and mom come rushing down to our house wondering what is going on. I wake up to my mom and dad yelling for us, and Jaxon running into our room. I felt like I was sixteen again when my dad would always yell at me to wake up and go move pipe. After that experience we had to discuss the appropriate times to call grandpa and grandma.
Then today I was watching for Jaxon to come home from school, and the bus pulled up to the house and off jumped Jaxon and his friend Seth Seamons (really cute kid). Jaxon comes racing up the driveway yelling "Mom I brought a friend home!!" I stood there stunned, wondering if I missed something and where I missed it. I look up and the bus driver, Ed (who was my kindergarten bus driver) was just as confused as I was. I told Jaxon that Seth's mom didn't know that Seth was coming here so he probably should go home and we'll have him over another day. So Seth and I walked back to the bus, who was patiently waiting, and Seth went home. So today we had another discussion about when friends can come over, and who we need to clear it with first. Kindergarten might be the death of me.