Another year has come and gone for Jaxon. He finds himself with a few less teeth this year than last. He thinks this tooth fairy thing is a great deal. It wouldn't surprise me if he started using Phil's construction tools to knock the rest of his teeth out. Any possible way you can earn money without having to go work with dad, or on the farm, is Jaxon's way of earning money.
Jaxon was pretty excited to turn six this year. He came and woke me up at 5:30am to see if he could start opening his presents. I held him off for a couple of hours, but finally I gave in. I think we won't be getting any sleep Christmas Eve night. Phil was working in Elko, but he made it home for the cake and ice cream with the fam.
I cannot believe I have a six year old! It seems like we were just bringing him home from the hospital, wondering how in the world do you get this dumb baby carrier out of the car! I have to say that I have loved the past six years of being a mom. Obviously you get the good with the bad, but the good always out-weighs the bad. I just wish time would slow down so I could enjoy it a little longer.
I saw that very same cake at a large retailer. I'm glad to see they've adopted your design. Cannot believe Jaxon is 6 and Bryn is looking like a kid. What happened to your babies?