My apologies, I've been slacking on my blogging duty. I really don't know what happened. The last thing I remember it was August 1st and then I woke up today and here it is August 26Th. I think I need to cut back on the Mountain Dew. Just to catch up a bit, the first of August we took the Beehives to Bear Lake and that was a blast. I didn't realize 12 and 13 year old girls were so boy crazy....lesson learned. My next goal for the Beehives is to get them to talk that much during my lessons on Sunday. About a week after our Bear Lake adventure, Phil and I took the kids and went to a Bee's game with my fam. Always fun to take in a Bee's game. This year was another success, Jaxon and Brynly got another baseball (thanks Uncle Kade). After that was a long week of Womens Area Co-ed Softball Tourny. I won't go into that, mainly because there would be a lot of cursing, and I know my mom reads my maybe another time. Last but not least is the Annual Tarbet trip to Jackson Hole. This year Glade and Suzette and Jordan came, and now they'll just have to come every year because we had so much fun. Some of the Jackson highlights were: Stopping so Bryn could pee every five minuets, Billy Burgers, Mom getting soaked going down the river, Mom birthday "boob cake" (Thanks Lynette, that was the best boob cake ever). Here's a few pictures of the last month. I'll be sure to blog a little more from now on.
9 years ago
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